Neuroendoscopic and Skull base Surgery

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NeuroEndoscopic and Skull Based Surgery in Thane West

Neuroendoscopic And Skull Base Best Treatment In Thane West

What is NeuroEndoscopic Surgery ?

Neuroendoscopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that is used to treat conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord. It involves the use of a neuroendoscope, which is a long, narrow instrument with a camera and light on the end that is inserted through a small incision in the skull. The neuroendoscope allows the surgeon to see inside the brain and perform procedures without the need for a large, open incision.

What is Skull Based Surgery ?

Skull base surgery is a type of neurosurgery that is used to treat conditions that affect the base of the skull, such as tumors, vascular abnormalities, and congenital defects. Skull base surgery may involve the use of neuroendoscopic techniques, as well as other minimally invasive approaches such as endoscopy, radiosurgery, and laser surgery.

During skull base surgery, both non-cancerous and cancerous growths can be removed, as well as abnormalities and abnormalities around the top of the spine. It may be possible to do skull base surgery with a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure since it is such difficuld area to see and reach. An instrument is placed through an opening in the skull, such as the nose, mouth, or just above the eyebrow, by the surgeon.

An operation to remove a brain tumor at the base of the skull or behind the first few vertebrae of the spinal cord is called skull base surgery.

Common Conditions that NeuroEndoscopic and Skull Based Surgery treats

Some common conditions that may be treated with neuroendoscopic or skull base surgery include:

Brain tumors

Hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain)

Meningiomas (tumors of the lining of the brain)

Pituitary tumors

Chiari malformations (abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord)

Arachnoid cysts (fluid-filled sacs in the brain)

Neuroendoscopic and skull base surgery offer several potential advantages over traditional open surgery, including shorter recovery time, less pain and discomfort, and a lower risk of complications.

Types of skull base surgery

There are two main ways to perform skull base surgery. In addition to endoscopic surgery, open surgery is also an option, depending on the type and location of the growth:

Endoscopic or minimally invasive skull base surgery

An incision is usually not required for this type of surgery. A surgeon may make a keyhole inside the nose. An endoscope is a thin lighted tube that a neurosurgeon uses to remove a growth. The skull base can be scanned using magnets and a computer in an MRI. MRIs can be done while a surgeon is operated by a radiology specialist. It helps them remove all of the growth.

Surgery is performed on the skull base traditionally or openly.

Surgery of this type may require incisions in the skull and the facial area. For the growth to be removed, parts of the bone may need to be removed. This type of surgery often requires the use of an operating room microscope.

The management of skull base surgery

As soon as you undergo skull base surgery, you will be closely monitored by your medical team. They aim to help you return to your normal daily routine as soon as possible. Therapy may be needed for some people for a long time. Treatment may include radiotherapy, radiosurgery, or proton beam therapy. In many cases, repeated imaging is necessary to confirm that a growth has not returned over time. Stress can be a major factor in this type of surgery. Friends and family can also be a reliable source of support. In addition, your treatment team may be able to provide you and your family with mental health resources and support groups.

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